Traffic Simulation Studies
Traffic simulation studies use sophisticated micro-simulation software to mimic actual roadway conditions. We use simulation to evaluate congested locations and roadways with unique characteristics that cannot be accurately represented by traditional level of service calculations. Queue spillback, freeway ramp metering, school drop-off/pick-up operations, transit signal preemption, and weaving are just a few of the issues that we have simulated.
Hexagon’s team of simulation experts have conducted countless simulation studies throughout the Bay Area for both public and private sector clients.
Simulation studies can quickly derail a project’s schedule if the work is not carefully managed. Our technical expertise allows us to right-size the study scope, adjust model inputs to represent driver behavior, and interpret the simulation results. In the end, our simulation results make sense, and fit the higher-level study needs.
An offshoot of our simulation expertise is the animated site plan services.
Request a Proposal Here
Alma/Churchill Railroad Crossing Simulation Study, Palo Alto
Foothill High School Simulation Study, Pleasanton
Pruneridge Avenue Complete Streets Project, Santa Clara
Hillsdale Boulevard Simulation Study, San Mateo
Simulation of I-580 Interchanges with Bike/Pedestrian Improvements, Pleasanton