Specific Plans/General Plans


Hexagon has led the transportation planning portion of countless General Plans and Area Plans. Our staff have worked in conjunction with City staff, the development community, and professionals in other disciplines to develop and test a range of land use alternatives and to identify improvements to the transportation network necessary to support the travel needs of all users. Hexagon’s role has also included drafting goals and policies addressing key transportation topics including complete streets, public transit and non-vehicular modes of travel, travel demand management (TDM), and parking.

Our local expertise and vast experience with similar studies ensures that our analysis results and recommendations make sense and fit the local context.

Check out some of our expertise in travel demand modeling, multimodal planning, traffic analysis, parking, TDM planning, and simulation analysis.

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  • General Plan Mobility Element, Gilroy

    Patrick Henry Drive Specific Plan, Santa Clara

    Ravenswood Specific Plan Update, East Palo Alto

    Moffett Park Specific Plan Update, Sunnyvale

    Diridon Station Area Plan Amendment, San Jose